Well, it's been so long since I've posted pic's that I still have Christmas pictures left to share. Alex got a new riding outfit for 4-wheeling. What was I thinking buying white!?!
Is this a picture of perfection? By the way, that's my bed she is so comfortable in!
I tried to take pictures of Michael at his chess tournament but it's like trying to get into the White House. So I had to settle for a picture afterwards showing off his lack of teeth. As far as his chess goes, he is doing great. He was selected to be on the Varsity chess team so he competes against other schools in the area. He has won 3 games and tied the 4th. So no losses-Way to go Bud!
Natalie had western day at school on Wednesday and was very excited to wear the "cowgirl" hat that Grandpa Mike got her for her birthday. And of course, we had to take her horses to school also.
Okay, my plan is to update this more often. I hope you all enjoy looking at the pictures. You can always respond to my blog by signing in with your email address and posting a comment. Would love to hear from you!
It's been a month since my last posting so I figured I better update it. We had a very busy December between getting ready for Christmas, a get-together for Jad's guys and New Year's Eve. It was so much fun being with family and friends. It makes me realize how blessed I am with the people who surround me.